OSEP certificate (Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester)

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PEN-300 and the OSEP Certification | Offensive Security

In this post we are going to talk about one of the new certifications offered by Offensive Security, specifically OSEP (Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester).

This certification is part of the new OSCE along with the, also new, OSED (Offensive Security Exploit Developer) and OSWE (Offensive Security Web Expert).

Like all Offensive Security certifications, it is mandatory to take the course associated with the certification, called “Evasion techniques and breaching defenses” which we will talk about later as well.

As of today, the price of the course is $1299, which includes 2 months of lab access and the exam sitting (of 48 fantastic hours :P).

I guess, if you’re reading this post, you already knew all of the above, so let’s dig into what you probably don’t know!

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GOTO XII: Security Certifications

Please bear in mind several things before going ahead. One: this post, even still very much alive today, was published back in June 2015 in the Spanish section of the blog. Two: this “GOTO” title thing makes reference to the controversial GOTO programming instructions. Three: even though this is the 12nd part of the GOTO series, they have not been translated, but they are not really connected but for their controversial nature… so just ignore that “XII” and move ahead. Enjoy!

There are few topics capable of generating as much debate in the field of IT security as certifications: they’re great, they’re useless, generalist, product specific… Proponents and detractors put forward quite valid arguments when it comes to defending and questioning the real value of security certifications.

Let’s imagine for a moment that we have a helmet that allows us, at the push of a button, to become either a fanboy of certifications or their staunchest enemy. Helmet in hand (well, head on, safety first) let’s go over some arguments for or against security certifications.

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