Cloud Security Solutions: the new paradigm

Just as green shoots flood our fields after a cool spring night, waking us up with the promise of stalks determined to germinate, so we wake up one day to the emergence of a new paradigm: the dawn of Cloud Security.

If for a moment we decide to do some research on this subject, we will discover a painful tendency to use four acronyms to designate new concerns whose existence was absolutely unknown a few years ago. In this infinite universe we will find the CISPA or Cloud Infrastructure Security Posture Assessment, but also the CWPPS, or Cloud Workload Protection Platform, without forgetting the CASBs or Cloud Access Security Brokers or the CNAPP or Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform.

If at this point you have survived this string of names, I will understand your sincere interest in this new science, so allow me to take a step back and comment on the reason for this curious amalgam of new security solutions.

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