Phishing: improving our campaigns

One of the most important things when carrying out a phishing campaign [Obviously, always from legal terms Ed.] is to ensure that our mail gets to evade the anti-spam filters and thus be able to reach the victim’s inbox.

In this post we are not going to explain how Gophish, que ya hemos mencionado en algún post, we will simply explain a series of steps to follow to make our emails more reliable. It is worth adding that following these steps does not ensure 100% success, each mail manager has its own filtering rules.

We start from the basis that Gophish is already installed, so the next step would be to obtain a domain and make a series of changes in DNS administration.
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Shadow Brokers: exploiting Eternalblue + Doublepulsar

(Just one month after publishing this post in spanish, these exploits were used in conjunction with the WanaCry ransomware to perform one of the largest worldwide cyber attacks of the last few years.
Hundreds of companies (Hospitals too) were compromised and all their data was encrypted.)

A few days ago the news broke out that the group Shadow Brokers had released a new batch of exploits of the NSA. As if this were not enough, in the github where the exploits are there is also information on how to attack the banking systems.

The vast majority of published exploits make compromising a Windows system childlike and almost as we see in movies, since they are several 0-day (now patched by Microsoft) that attack the SMB protocol in all its versions.

Of all the exploits available, the one that has drawn the most attention to the community has been the combo called Eternalblue + Doublepulsar. In this post we will explain how to deploy a test environment where you can test the exploits.

(Editor’s note: Needless to say, the information is provided for informational and didactic purposes in order to collaborate in improving the knowledge of cybersecurity technicians. Cybercriminals do not need anyone to teach them how to use exploits, and to those unsuspecting scriptkiddies who think of playing cybercriminals, well, good luck in the courts).
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