Linux.IotReaper Analysis

A couple of days ago we learned about the existence of a new threat IoT considerably more elaborated than any of the ones detected to date (, said botnet has been named by Netlab 360 as IotReaper. So, from the malware laboratory of S2 Grupo we have obtained and analyzed some of the related samples.


The infrastructure of the network is quite similar to that of the Mirai botnet, which is formed by four elements:

  • Report Server: Responsible for collecting the information sent by the bots.
  • Server Downloader: Responsible for providing malware samples via HTTP. The presence of an element allows the continuous incorporation of updates without the need to leave obsolete versions of the malware.
  • Server C2: Responsible for sending denial of service orders.
  • Bot: IoT device infected by the IotReaper botnet.

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Analysis of Linux.Helios

For several weeks we have been detecting a new variant of malware for Linux and IoT architectures from the malware laboratory of S2 Grupo, registered for the first time on the VirusTotal platform on October 18, which we have called Linux.Helios, due to the name of certain functions present in the sample.

We emphasize that the main antivirus signatures do not unanimously classify this sample: they range from ELF.DDoS to Tsunami, through Gafgyt or Mirai.
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Mirai meets OpenSSL

It is not a surprise that new variants of Mirai and more come to light, being available to anyone the source code of the bot, the CnC server and the download server. However, they all had relatively similar features (except for the variant for Windows, of course).

On March 19 came a new version of Mirai that caught our attention because of its size. While the usual is to find Mirai binaries of around tens of Kbs, this new sample has 1.6 Mbs. The TELNET connection that preceded the download of the binary is exactly the same as in previous catches.
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Linux.Mirai: Attacking video surveillance systems

During the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, one of our sensors in Brazil detected a particularly interesting intrusion into a honeypot TELNET service.

This interaction used unusual credentials since the most received were, unlike what was expected, vyzxv and xc3511.

After an initial search no reference to attacks related to these credentials were found, but it was concluded that the credentials were recurring in DVRs (Digital Video Recorder) of the Chinese brand Dahua (e.g. DH-3004). Dahua is a leading global provider of surveillance solutions, because according to the IMS 2015 report they enjoy the largest mar-ket share.

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